AUGUST 2020 - This month's judge: Robert Chaplin
The subject is "BOKEH"
Bokeh comes from the Japanese word boke (ボケ), which means "blur" or "haze", or boke-aji, the "blur quality." Bokeh is pronounced BOH-Kə or BOH-kay.
Visit any photography website or forum and you’ll find plenty of folks debating the pleasing bokeh that their favorite fast lenses allow. Adjectives that describe bokeh include: smooth, incredible, superb, good, beautiful, sweet, silky, and excellent… but what exactly is it?
Bokeh is defined as “the effect of a soft out-of-focus background that you get when shooting a subject, using a fast lens, at the widest aperture, such as f/2.8 or wider.” Simply put, bokeh is the pleasing or aesthetic quality of the out-of-focus blur in a photograph.
Submit up to 3 images
Each KCC member will have a total of 5 votes.
Members can use one or 2 votes per photo of their choice.
In the case of a membership awards tie, the Judge's vote will be used to decide the winner.
The votes received per photo will NOT be revealed until the completion of the voting phase.