The subject is "DIAGONAL LINES"
A very powerful method of improving the composition of photos is the use of lines. Properly used, lines can significantly increase the impact of images. In the art of photography, we often use diagonal lines to draw the viewer's eye through the photograph.
Diagonal lines also create points of interest where they intersect with other lines within the image.
Submit up to 3 images
Best of Luck!
This month's judge: Robert Chaplin
Critique Approach:
Keeping with the critical approach as the previous digital challenge; I am including comments on the fundamentals of photography along with ways I see to improve the image. Keep in mind the idea of improving the image to my aesthetic may be different from what the artist intended. If it misses the mark; disregard the comment.
I have often said; image titles lead the judge to what you are trying to express. With that in mind, I may comment on some of the image titles as part of this critique.
Also, keep in mind that, if provided, the visual critique was performed on a jpeg. It will not be perfect but is intended as a visual aid to express the written critique.
The scores will reflect judgment based on the technical, processing, artistic and emotional impacts, and challenge requirements.
Special Note: Don’t read if you can’t handle tough love…ready??? Here we go…
Judges don’t care what you saw, when you saw it, where you saw it, or what it cost to get to the destination. Judges don’t have a relationship with people or pets in a photograph. Judges are reviewing images in a vacuum. This means, we are commenting based on the technical quality and emotional response of a photograph. A simple been there done that or look what I saw shot belongs in a book of memories and not in a competition. Substandard photographs will be judged as that and based on the KCC scale it equates to acceptable. Become a student of what makes a good photograph and submit that to the competition. Keep in mind, not all cellphone shots are bad, and not all professional camera shots are good.