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On Wednesday, December 7, 2011, the Kendall Camera Club Executive Committee voted to make changes to the Clicktique Rules, as discussed below. These changes will be in effect for the January Clicktique, but could influence your choice of Clicktique entries immediately. 

1. All reference to “Black and White” will be changed to “Monochrome”. This change was actually suggested by the judges at the last End-of-Year Competition. If you were to Google “Definition of Black & White Photography”, most sources define it that way. We felt that changing the name would make it more clear what would be acceptable, which includes sepia and other tints. 

2. The rules were changed in regards to changing categories. Going from Group A to Group B still requires Executive Committee approval (see Nancy Moreland, the Clicktique Committee Chair, if you feel you were put in Group A incorrectly). You can still go from Group B to Group A at your own discretion (again, contact Nancy if that is what you want). Now, changing groups will only result in loss of the bonus points awarded for first, second, or third places. Also, at the end of the year, those in Group B will only be promoted to Group A if they receive 35 or more bonus points (before, it only took placing 1st, 2nd, or 3rd three times). 

3. Eliminate “Best Color Print” from the annual competition. It was felt that “Best Color Print” was unnecessary, as most of the awards presented, including “Best Photograph of the Year” usually go to color prints. There were just over thirty entries into the annual competition that weren’t color prints.

4. Publicize fifteen special recognition awards. If people know about these awards in advance, they might submit more entries throughout the year that satisfy those categories. Those categories are: 

Best Abstract Print
Best Architectural Print
Best Commercial Print
Best Different Perspective Print
Best Event Print
Best Fun Print
Best High-Contrast Print
Best Landscape Print
Best Pet Print
Best Photojournalism Print
Best Portrait Print
Best Post-production Manipulation
Best Still Life Print
Best Street Print
Best Wildlife Print

The Executive Committee may still add or subtract awards from the list. Check the Clicktique Rules for details. 

5. The “Best New Photographer” award was changed. Now, a candidate’s top eight images will be considered (it was the top nine). The minimum of nine entries was eliminated. Furthermore, anyone who joins in March or later will automatically be deferred to the next year for the purposes of this award (you are still eligible to enter Clicktiques this year).
  1.   12 December 2011
  2.   Photo Challenge
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We meet every 2nd and 4th Thursday at:

Evelyn Greer Park (Pinecrest) 
8200 SW 124th Street 
Pinecrest, FL 33157