• photo_camera Model: iPhone XS
  • exposure Exposure: 1/640 (0.002 sec)
  • shutter_speed Aperture: f/2.4
  • lens Focal Length: 6.0 mm
  • iso ISO: 16
  • timer Date taken: 2020:05:25 14:46:01
  • flash_on Flash: Did not fire
  • Contest: The New Normal
  • DESCRIPTION AND SETTINGS : Panhandling seems to be more of a norm among stopped traffic. The person wearing a "patriotic" mask with the Stars and Stripes.
    I chose to take the photo based on the fact that the person can not be identified.
    Taken with an iPhone X, zoomed a bit to frame the subject.
  • Judge's Critique: Seems to be a cellphone photograph. Subject is framed in the center of the image. The image appears to be grainy and is lacking contrast. Not so sure this represents a “New Normal”. I have seen panhandlers on the street wearing buffs before COVID. See the Digital Critique for example of contrast and notice how I was able to minimize the window reflection through adding a subtle vignette.

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We meet every 2nd and 4th Thursday at:

Evelyn Greer Park (Pinecrest) 
8200 SW 124th Street 
Pinecrest, FL 33157