Even if you use Lightroom Classic for the majority of your editing needs there are still times when you just need to do something in Photoshop. This can be intimidating for some people who are very familiar with editing in Lightroom, but feel a bit disoriented when they head to Photoshop. I want to share a simple Lightroom Classic tip to help you have an easier time should this happen to you.
The key to this tip is to take advantage of creating Snapshots in Lightroom Classic’s Develop module before you head to Photoshop. Here’s a refresher on Snapshots if you are rusty on the topic, but basically a Snapshot is a way to preserve an editing state so that you can easily switch back to it if needed, and you can create as many as you need.
When it is time to head to Photoshop, you can use the Edit in > Open as Smart Object in Photoshop, which embeds a copy of your original raw photo, plus all edits (including Snapshots) into the smart object layer in the copy (TIF or PSD based on your Lightroom Classic preferences) that opens in Photoshop.
So, let’s say you were editing a senior portrait (shout out to all graduating seniors who having alternative ceremonies this year!), and you came up with a few variations on the final image, and you wanted to see how each one looked with a simple text overlay you created in Photoshop.
Start by creating your different looks in Lightroom Classic, and saving each look as a Snapshot.
The post Leverage Lightroom Classic Snapshots in Photoshop appeared first on Lightroom Killer Tips.