How to Quickly Edit a Car Photo Using Photoshop

It is believed that good images in car photography are often achieved by using complex techniques and compositing, but you can still get good result by working on a single image in Photoshop. [ Read More ]Original linkOriginal author: Burak Erzincanli
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How to Not Screw Up Your Street Photography at Night

Capturing a great street photograph during the day is hard enough, let alone at night. [ Read More ]Original linkOriginal author: James Maher
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Cover Shot, April 2020

In our April 2020 issue, Josh Miller talks about high dynamic range (HDR) photography techniques, when to use them and how to do so without overdoing it. Darell Gulin shares his top techniques for macro photography—a visually exciting genre of nature photography to learn and practice year-round, but especially with spring blooms. Also in this issue is a guide from Howard Arndt to photographing the annual spawning of alewives in Maine, an excellent opportunity to photograph birds-in-flight as ospreys arrive to do some fishing. On the cover is an HDR image of the Ansel Adams Wilderness in California by Josh Miller. Here’s the story behind the shot. “Bordering on the south eastern side of Yosemite National Park, the Ansel Adams Wilderness...
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Think It’s Time to Upgrade Your Gear? Here’s How to Choose the Right Stuff

There’s a constant stream of new technology on the horizon, new features and capabilities that are undoubtedly valuable to someone. But how do we know if that someone is us? How do we know what’s worth investing in and what’s worth passing up? Here are three questions to help us figure that out. [ Read More ]Original linkOriginal author: Brent Daniel
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When Will Nikon Release Some Premium Z-Mount Glass and What Should It Be?

Back in October, we got a taste of Nikon’s plans for 2020 and 2021. The lens line-up for its Z-mount cameras has been slightly lackluster to date, but things might be about to change — coronavirus permitting. [ Read More ]Original linkOriginal author: Andy Day
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Madavor Media Acquires Imaging Resource

Madavor Media, parent company of Outdoor Photographer, announced today that it has acquired Imaging Resource, a popular and respected photography equipment review website. Imaging Resource joins Madavor Media’s group of photo and video related publications and websites: Outdoor Photographer, Digital Photo Pro, Digital Photo and HDVideoPro.  For additional details, see the official press release below. You can also subscribe to the free Imaging Resource newsletter. ### Madavor Media Acquires Imaging Resource Madavor Media, LLC announced today that it has acquired Imaging Resource, one of the most popular and trusted websites for camera and photography equipment reviews.  The 22-year-old website, which has millions of loyal followers, will continue to operate utilizing its experienced staff and contributors.  The acquisition by Madavor will enable...
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Photo Of The Day By Laura Schoenbauer

Photo By Laura Schoenbauer Today’s Photo Of The Day is “Swans in Winter” by Laura Schoenbauer. Location: St. Paul, Minnesota. “A few years ago, this flock of swans choose to ‘winter’ in Minnesota at Fort Snelling State Park,” explains Schoenbauer. Photo of the Day is chosen from various OP galleries, including Assignments, Galleries and the OP Contests. Assignments have weekly winners that are featured on the OP website homepage, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. To get your photos in the running, all you have to do is submit them. The post Photo Of The Day By Laura Schoenbauer appeared first on Outdoor Photographer. Original linkOriginal author: Staff
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Lightroom in 60-Seconds: How to Get Rid of One of Lightroom’s Most Annoying Features

Yup, it’s that White Balance pop-up grid that follows around your White Balance tool like it’s a lost puppy (but without the cuteness). It’s just about useless (no need to post a comment talking about the rare cases where it is useful, and how you can’t do your photography work without it, etc, and so on. If that’s the case for you, just skip this tip). Anyway, here ya go: And yes, that is “Handsome Dave” Williams, British love machine, and author of the “Travel Tuesdays with Dave” column on my daily blog. Stop snickering — I know nobody’s traveling now, but don’t tell Dave. OK, gotta run — check back tomorrow for Rockin’ Rob Sylvan’s column (always excellent). Catch ya then. Stay...🙂
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In The Neighborhood: Wildlife Photography Near You

Spring officially arrived at my home in Parker, Colorado, the other day. I knew this because I heard my first house wren of the year. This tiny bird, with its wonderful, melodious and happy bubbling song, is a true harbinger of spring where I live. The bird, a male, sat in my garden and trilled a happy good morning for all to hear. I grabbed my camera and telephoto zoom and decided to start the new season out with some photography. House wren singing in my garden, Parker, Colorado. Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, Tamron 150-600mm G2 F/5-6.3 Di VC USD lens at 600mm. Exposure: 1/250 sec., ƒ/8, ISO 800. The wren was just the kick-start I needed to simply take...wildlife photography near home, sparrow in city park
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Photo Of The Day By Koustav Maity

Photo By Koustav Maity Today’s Photo Of The Day is “That’s Funny” by Koustav Maity. “That must be a very funny joke shared by the doting mother,” says Maity. “The baby sure wanted to hear more, as for baby orangutans, mom is the best friend for the first five to 10 years. Orangutans are known for the strong bonding shared by the cuddly mom and clingy baby. I shot this mom and baby orangutan photograph in a safari park. This is a very rare moment in the wild as orangutans are critically endangered due to deforestation, palm oil plantation, poaching and hunting.” Photo of the Day is chosen from various OP galleries, including Assignments, Galleries and the OP Contests. Assignments have weekly winners that are...
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Lightroom in 60-Seconds: Flipping Your Crop From Wide to Tall

I know it’s just Monday, and Lightroom in 60-seconds is on Tuesdays here on the blog, but I missed it last Tuesday (I was super swamped with work and home stuff), so this is a catch-up tip, and I’ll have another for you here tomorrow. Today’s is surprisingly handy, so I hope you’ll check it out (below): Pretty handy, right? I hope you found that helpful. This one’s for all you Photoshop freaks out there Killer new KelbyOne online course from Dave Cross (Photoshop Hall of Famer and one of the original “Photoshop Guys”). You will learn a ton, and Dave makes it all so easy and understandable for anybody. Here’s the link to the course (if you join to watch...🙂
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How To Create Images Of Animals With Impact, Part 1

A good photographer has a lot in common with an accomplished sculptor. Both must meticulously chip away at what confronts him or her and chisel away distracting elements until only the essentials remain. Armed with the camera, the photographer sorts out the chaos and whittles away the negative to remove clutter. Just as a sculptor smooths over the edges of the final piece, we have to bring harmony to all we see to round out the final composition before we press the shutter. In regard to photography, I’m a stout proponent of less is more. This brings me to the point of this week’s tip—KISS: Keep It Simple And Splendid. By judiciously creating a beneficial camera angle or by being selective...animal photography techniques
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Photo Of The Day By Valerie Millett

Photo By Valerie Millett Today’s Photo Of The Day is “Discovery Landscapes Assignments” by Valerie Millett. Location: Arizona. “Snow in the Sonoran Desert is rare and completely changes the landscape,” says Millett. “Even though I photograph this area often, being blanketed in white transforms these familiar places into never-seen-before scenes.” Photo of the Day is chosen from various OP galleries, including Assignments, Galleries and the OP Contests. Assignments have weekly winners that are featured on the OP website homepage, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. To get your photos in the running, all you have to do is submit them. The post Photo Of The Day By Valerie Millett appeared first on Outdoor Photographer. Original linkOriginal author: Staff
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Photo Of The Day By Daryl Hunter

Photo By Daryl Hunter Today’s Photo Of The Day is “Beartooth Mountain Majesty” by Daryl Hunter. Location: Beartooth Mountains, Montana. While exploring the northern Beartooth Mountains in Southern Montana, I found one photo gem after another,” explains Hunter. “You point your car south from interstate 90 and you can’t go wrong.” Nikon D850, Nikkor 16-35F/4 at 16mm. 1/6th sec., f/10, ISO 31. Photo of the Day is chosen from various OP galleries, including Assignments, Galleries and the OP Contests. Assignments have weekly winners that are featured on the OP website homepage, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. To get your photos in the running, all you have to do is submit them. The post Photo Of The Day By Daryl Hunter appeared first on Outdoor Photographer. Original linkOriginal author: Staff
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Julieanne on Keywords in Lightroom Classic

Hi, everybody. It’s kind of weird, with everything going on here and in the world with this virus, to be sharing Lightroom tips, but I guess it’s better than focusing on all the bad news out there, so…I guess here we are. Note: Check my blog today for an update on the Coronavirus and my live seminars coming up in Houston and LA. Adobe’s own Julieanne Kost did a really nice post this week on using Keywords in Lightroom Classic, and there’s a lot to it, and totally worth checking out her post today. Here’s the link. This is such a weird time — I’ve been around for a while and have never experienced what we’re all experiencing and going through. I...
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The March 2020 Issue of Photoshop User Magazine Is Now Available!

The March 2020 issue of Photoshop User is now live on the KelbyOne site and KelbyOne Mags for iOS and Android. In this issue, learn how to get your work done faster in Photoshop so you can enjoy the finer things in life, plus two superfast ways to enhance the colors in your images, exploring the new Capture from Image feature, illuminating lights in old photos, and so much more! Check out all the latest magazine articles with our Search Articles feature on the website. This issue’s cover image is by KelbyOne member, Darren Herlihy KelbyOne Pro & Plus members have access to more than 80 back issues of Photoshop User magazine all the way back to January 2012, plus all 58 issues of Lightroom Magazine. Not a Pro or Plus...
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Large Document Format (PSB) Support in Lightroom Classic

The February update slipped in support for the Large Document Format (PSB) in Lightroom Classic. This has been on the request list for a long time, and with increasing sensor sizes and the ability to easily stitch multiple frames into very large panoramas, it is a very welcome addition. I wanted to give it a test drive, and share the steps you might encounter when you create an image that exceeds the file size for PSD or TIF. The first consideration is what you have set on the External Editing tab of the Preferences. By default it is set to 16 Bit ProPhoto RGB TIF, but it is possible to change that to PSD as well, as I have done. Both...
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Turning a Standard Upside Down

By Skip Cohen Sponsored For those of you who don’t know my background, I’ve spent my life in the photography industry. And in all those years, I’ve never been involved with any company or products I didn’t honestly believe in. When asked to join the Platypod team last September, l accepted because of two things—the owners of the company and the quality of the products. While I wasn’t involved in Platyball’s design, I’ve been part of the team every step of the way, helping to educate the industry, starting with why the world needed to be turned upside down. Tripods haven’t changed since the 1820s. Years later, tripod heads came along, and it wasn’t until the 90’s that Arca Swiss set...
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How to Install LUTs (Color Lookup Tables) In Lightroom

If you’ve downloaded some free LUTs from the Web (or you got my own personal set of LUTs from attending my “Ultimate Photography Crash Course” seminar), getting them installed is easy — but it’s absolutely not obvious. In fact, I’d say it was hidden about as well as Adobe’s ever hidden anything (and they are masters at making things “undiscoverable” and if you have doubts about that last statement, watch the video I did below: I wasn’t kidding was I? OK, go find some LUTs; get in my Lightroom, and start adding those looks! I’m In Houston & LA In Just a Couple of Weeks! My full-day “Ultimate Photography Crash Course” seminar next stops are in Houston on Monday, March 23, and then Los Angeles on Wednesday, March 25th. Hope you...
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Lightroom Classic Interface Mac vs. Windows

I know as a writer and educator that it is important to note the operating system differences in Lightroom Classic when they come up. I also know as a human being who uses the software primarily on one operating system that it is easy to lose sight of those differences sometimes. So, in the interests of helping those folks who are not dual-operating system fluent and encounter those places where there is a difference, this post is for you. Thankfully, there really aren’t that many differences, but I know that when they come up and when are not called out, it can be very frustrating for the reader (I know because I hear from those people). I’ll start with the most...
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  417 Hits

We meet every 2nd and 4th Thursday at:

Evelyn Greer Park (Pinecrest) 
8200 SW 124th Street 
Pinecrest, FL 33157