The Incredible Work of Molly Baber

Molly Baber is a multi-disciplinary visual artist and fashion photographer creating conceptual works that evoke blood, death, and feminine power, as well as a subconscious fantasy through ritual, divination, and mythology. [ Read More ]Original linkOriginal author: Clinton Lofthouse
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The Gear Trap Is a Problem, but Cheap Equipment Can Also Limit You

Most of us are familiar with "the gear trap," the fine line that's crossed when a shooter makes a top priority of continually researching and purchasing newer and better camera equipment. This can be a dangerous money pit. But there are times when your gear must be upgraded, lest you suffer the technical shortcomings of outdated or inadequate equipment. [ Read More ]Original linkOriginal author: Scott Mason
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Which New Camera Will Canon Announce on April 20?

Canon has announced that it will be hosting an online press conference on April 20 in order to present some new products. Will the much-anticipated EOS R5 officially be launched? [ Read More ]Original linkOriginal author: Andy Day
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Photo Of The Day By Nick Paoni

Photo By Nick Paoni  Today’s Photo Of The Day is “Sunset Sets” by Nick Paoni. Location: Seaside, Cardiff State Beach, California. “I really enjoy shooting waves at sunset,” says Paoni. “For this shot, I used intentional camera movement to smooth the ocean and produce an artistic effect. It took a lot of tries and patience, but I finally found just the right sequence of swells coming towards the beach to get this triplet set. The images were captured at Seaside, Cardiff State Beach, California.” Photo of the Day is chosen from various OP galleries, including Assignments, Galleries and the OP Contests. Assignments have weekly winners that are featured on the OP website homepage, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. To get your photos in the running, all you have to do...
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The Best Very Cheap Camera You Can Buy in 2020

Whether you want a great doorway into photography that has a low financial entry point, or back-up camera you're not scared to put at risk, this could be the camera for you! [ Read More ]Original linkOriginal author: Robert K Baggs
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Take Time to Practice These Three Composition Skills Around Your Home

The post Take Time to Practice These Three Composition Skills Around Your Home appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Kevin Landwer-Johan. Now is a good time to practice composition skills. With many people having to self-isolate, it means you may not be able to enjoy regular life. This will include being able to get out and photograph the subjects you typically take pictures of. Make good use of the time to practice. This is not something photographers do as much as other artists. You can imagine that to play a song on a guitar or the piano, you must first practice it. It’s easy for a photographer to pick up a camera and get a pretty well-exposed...Take Time to Practice These Three Composition Skills Around Your Home
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The dPS At-Home 7-Day Photography Challenge – Week Three

The post The dPS At-Home 7-Day Photography Challenge – Week Three appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Caz Nowaczyk. As many of us around the world are continuing self-isolation, and social distancing (whoever thought that would be a thing?) due to the C-word, we thought we’d make it a little less boring and stressful and give you (and us) an “At-Home, 7-Day Photography Challenge.” This is week three of the challenge (see week one here, and week two here. You can still do those challenges, as there are no deadlines on any of these). These are all things you can try in and around your home. As always, we would love to see your results in the comments...🙂
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Illuminating Why Dark Video Looks so Bad

What's with this blocky, banded mess? [ Read More ]Original linkOriginal author: David J. Fulde
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8 Things Photographers Must Do to Lower Their Expenses During the Coronavirus

Many photographers are scared right now and with good reason. The Coronavirus is causing an unprecedented financial crisis, which we'll probably feel the repercussions of for many years to come. While you may feel pretty helpless right now, there are still things you can do to give yourself the best possible chance of surviving all this. [ Read More ]Original linkOriginal author: Paul Parker
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Photographer Uses His Drone as a Safe Way to Take Portraits of Locals in Quarantine

Strict laws around social distancing has meant an abrupt halt to most photographers’ shooting schedules. One creative wedding photographer, however, is finding a resourceful way to continue taking portraits while documenting lockdown: he’s using his drone to take pictures of his neighbors and their families. [ Read More ]Original linkOriginal author: Jack Alexander
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Why One Photograper Teaches Photography for Better Mental Health

Billions of people around the world are self-isolating to slow the spread of Coronavirus. However, it's not just our physical wellbeing at risk, but also our mental health. Stu McKenzie has pioneered a new project to help veterans with PTSD, which could also help those suffering from anxiety and depression during the quarantine. [ Read More ]Original linkOriginal author: Jason Parnell-Brookes
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5 Essentials for Long-Exposure Landscape Photography

Doing long exposures is the most fundamental trick up a landscape photographer's sleeve. But for effective use of its visual effects, there are a few essential steps that one must follow. [ Read More ]Original linkOriginal author: Nicco Valenzuela
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Photographer and Master Sergeant Documents COVID-19 Test Centers

With COVID-19 impacting our world on a global scale, it has become an important part of social history that needs to be (safely) documented not just for tomorrow, but also future generations. [ Read More ]Original linkOriginal author: Anete Lusina
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COVID-19 And The National Parks: Should The Parks Be Closed?

The Daily Beast’s Miranda Green reported that a park employee at Lyndon B. Johnson Historic Park in Texas sent a staff-wide email demanding park closures. Photo credit: NPS/Cynthia Dorminey. We love our national parks, and as we all grapple with adjusting to staying at home, away from public places and gatherings, the idea of wide-open wild places is incredibly appealing for many of us. But even if our national parks have ample room for “social distancing,” keeping them open is an enticement to ignore “stay at home” orders. More importantly, it puts park rangers and staff unnecessarily in harm’s way. The Daily Beast’s Miranda Green today reported that many of the National Park Service’s rangers and employees are growing impatient with...
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The Role of Metadata

Lightroom Classic’s catalog is simply a database of information about our photos. Learning how to edit and add to that information can help us manage, find, and organize our photos over time. Metadata is information about your photos. Some metadata is created and applied to your photos at the moment the shutter is pressed, which is called EXIF metadata. This includes information like shutter speed, ISO, aperture, capture date/time, and so on. This EXIF metadata is automatically added to the catalog during import. Beyond this EXIF metadata, Lightroom Classic also gives us the ability to add more information about each photo, such as keywords, titles, captions, star ratings, flags, and a host of other data points. The more data we add...
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Canon Just Filed a Patent for a Brand New Cripple Hammer

Details are emerging of a new patent just filed by Canon that could revolutionize one of its most exciting products: the Cripple Hammer. Brace yourselves, because the plans for this updated version look crazy. [ Read More ]Original linkOriginal author: Andy Day
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Photo Of The Day By Saniapenkar

Photo By Saniapenkar Today’s Photo Of The Day is “The Balance” by Saniapenkar. Photo of the Day is chosen from various OP galleries, including Assignments, Galleries and the OP Contests. Assignments have weekly winners that are featured on the OP website homepage, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. To get your photos in the running, all you have to do is submit them. The post Photo Of The Day By Saniapenkar appeared first on Outdoor Photographer. Original linkOriginal author: Staff
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Create Light Beams in GIMP that Glow Without Any Plug-ins

The post Create Light Beams in GIMP that Glow Without Any Plug-ins appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Ana Mireles. Do you want to create light beams with GIMP? While previous versions of GIMP used a process called Alpha to Logo, it’s not available in the latest version. Not to worry, you don’t have to download any plug-in or script-fu, as I’ll show you a step-by-step example to do them manually. GIMP’s open-source nature can be the most attractive thing for some people and the most off-putting for others. Create light beams used to be a one-click operation, but the script-fu was removed since version 2.10.4. There’s a way to get it back and install it separately,...Create Light Beams
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Photos Of The Day For March 2020

Did you miss a Photo Of The Day last month? View all of March’s selections in the gallery below. Want to get your images in the running for a Photo of the Day feature? Photo of the Day is chosen from various galleries, including Assignments, Galleries and Contests. Assignments have weekly winners that are featured on the website homepage, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. To get your photos in the running, all you have to do is submit them. [See image gallery at] The post Photos Of The Day For March 2020 appeared first on Outdoor Photographer. Original linkOriginal author: Staff
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How Can We Adapt to the Current Reality?

The coronavirus pandemic has fundamentally altered the world and caused serious disruptions for creatives in all industries. This excellent video features an experienced professional discussing how we can adapt to this new landscape. [ Read More ]Original linkOriginal author: Alex Cooke
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We meet every 2nd and 4th Thursday at:

Evelyn Greer Park (Pinecrest) 
8200 SW 124th Street 
Pinecrest, FL 33157