
  • Contest: METAL
  • Submitted by: Yevette Shapiro
  • DESCRIPTION AND SETTINGS : Finishing a workout at the gym, I saw these chairs in the lobby that were going to be put away after a meeting. I think that after years of photography, a little part of my brain is now unconsciously wired to think about possible pictures. All I had was my Samsung Galaxy, (which can take some good pictures), so that is the camera used for this. I downloaded it to Photoshop and cropped it slightly and tried to emphasize the light and shadows. The original picture was basically black and white.
  • Judge's Critique:

    Great idea. Black & White works, image looks like it losing detail, probably the camera This is sort of in-between stacked chairs and an abstract. maybe include background to support a story of the stacked chairs or create an abstract using the lines and angles closer in.

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8200 SW 124th Street 
Pinecrest, FL 33157