Molly in High Key

Molly in High Key


  • photo_camera Model: NIKON D3400
  • exposure Exposure: 1/320 (0.003 sec)
  • shutter_speed Aperture: f/4.5
  • lens Focal Length: 22.0 mm
  • iso ISO: 100
  • timer Date taken: 2020:07:24 08:55:24
  • flash_on Flash: Did not fire
  • Contest: High Key Photography
  • Submitted by: Norene Monahan
  • DESCRIPTION AND SETTINGS : ISO 100 - 22mm - f4.5 - 1/320s My sidekick Molly on old white curtains with morning sun coming through window blinds.
  • Judge's Critique: Interesting pose. Notice the element in the upper left corner? It is inconsistent with the rest of the image and isn’t necessary for the composition. This image is bright but it falls a little short of what is traditionally considered high key. The side by side comparison is a crop of the upper left area. Look around Molly’s nose and on the highlight edges. Do you see the fringing? This happens with some lenses but can be removed in Lightroom or Adobe Camera RAW. The image on the right has it removed. You may need to zoom in to see it.

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8200 SW 124th Street 
Pinecrest, FL 33157