Haircut by Dad AND Mom

Haircut by Dad AND Mom
  • Contest: The New Normal
  • DESCRIPTION AND SETTINGS : Dad was cutting, Mom was directing and son had clearly decided this was not his favorite pandemic activity!
  • Judge's Critique: An image with impact… The square orientation is appropriate. Compositionally, there is a lot going on with different elements – pointing hand, hair groomer, father, son, and look on child’s face, all agreeing with the subject or task. There is nothing in this image that doesn’t belong. In fact, if any one of these elements was missing the image would be less.
    The only comment could be on lighting and processing. You can see where the shadows and highlights are. An off camera strobe could have opened up the boy’s face while allowing the photographer to underexpose the background a little.
    See side by side visual critique for a rough idea.

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Evelyn Greer Park (Pinecrest) 
8200 SW 124th Street 
Pinecrest, FL 33157