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Backyard Photography Challenge

The post Backyard Photography Challenge appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Darren Rowse.


It’s been super fun going through our old challenges from over ten years ago! While you can now share your challenge photo in our Facebook Group, or below in the comments, the idea is the same! Last week it was ten things within ten meters, this week we want you to head into your backyard, or… as Darren said below, whatever the closest thing to a backyard is that you have! Balcony? Window? Make it work, get creative, have fun! (No, don’t sneak into someone else’s backyard! haha)

Tag your photos on social with #dPSBackyardChallenge

Yesterday we posted an article about Backyard photography – today I’d like to issue a challenge – get into your backyard and see what shots you can come up with – and then share your best shot or two with us in comments below.

I know some of you don’t technically have ‘backyards’ – but feel free to photograph whatever is the closest thing to a yard for you (a balcony for instance) – be creative. You don’t just have to take a picture of your yard – focus in on something (or someone) in it. I’m expecting to see macro work, wildlife, pets, portraits and much much more!

Once you’ve gotten out there and taken some shots – pick your favorite one or two, upload them to our favorite photosharing site (like Flickr) and share a link to your shots in the comments section below.

Please only link to pictures you’ve taken for this challenge and not previous ones – that way we’re seeing your most recent work.

Also – we’d love it if you’d link to this post from your photosharing page to let your friends know what you’re doing – that’ll spread news of our little challenge and make it all the more fun!

I can’t see what everyone comes up with!

Image by ohmann alianne

The post Backyard Photography Challenge appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Darren Rowse.

(Originally posted by Darren Rowse)
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We meet every 2nd and 4th Thursday at:

Evelyn Greer Park (Pinecrest) 
8200 SW 124th Street 
Pinecrest, FL 33157