1 minute reading time (116 words)

Avoid This Scam That Preys on Photographers

If you’re a photographer selling your services or your work, either full-time or even as a side hustle, there’s an active scam going around right now that you definitely need to be aware of. The good news is that it’s easy to protect yourself against it if you know how it works.

Imagine Your Excitement...

Imagine your excitement when you get an email asking if you’re available on a certain date to photograph a wedding or an event. The initial email may be somewhat scant on details if they just want to check your availability, or it might contain a lot of enticing information about...

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(Originally posted by Gordon Webster)
Q. Do I Need To Prep My Lightroom Files For Upload...
How to Capture Stunning Spring Flower Photos

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We meet every 2nd and 4th Thursday at:

Evelyn Greer Park (Pinecrest) 
8200 SW 124th Street 
Pinecrest, FL 33157