Shot with a Canon EOS 5D Mark III, Canon EF 16-35mm f/4L IS USM at 20mm, LEE 100mm 2-stop graduated neutral density filter, Gitzo tripod, Induro ball head. Exposure: 0.4 sec., ƒ/11 ISO 100. The Svalbard archipelago lies about halfway between mainland Norway and the North Pole. About the size of West Virginia with a population of only 2,500 people, Svalbard is a mostly untouched Arctic wilderness of mountains, valleys, glaciers and fjords. The main settlement of Longyearbyen can be reached by a three-hour flight from Oslo, and accommodations here include hotels, guesthouses and camping. A short walk along the main road leading out of town into Advent Valley will bring you this view of Hjortfjellet—the mountain just left of center—across...