A New Millennium

With the new millennium came great changes!!  In line with progress, the Kendall Camera became part of the digital world..

FIRST MAJOR CHANGE  - October 2002 - the Kendall Camera Club had its first website - Thanks to its creator, Daniel Cedras, the KCC had an elaborate internet site where members stayed informed of all activities. The site not only announced Clicktique winners, it served as a host for members' pictures allowing everyone to maintain individual galleries. Photography concepts and ideas were shared though this forum.

In Focus


The Club newsletter - now called "In Focus", was posted on the website and emailed to Club members. KCC President’s Message: "Have you seen our Web Site? If not, sign on to and take a look ... . We plan to post announcements of club field trips and other photographic events to the site, so that members missing a meeting can still participate in the field trips." The newsletter went from a black and white print to an art form of digital color.


With the advent of the internet also came digital photography. Ahead of his times, Bob Holmes began introducing digital photographs to the Clicktiques.  Manipulations that were once done to film and in a dark room, were now done using editing software.

The debate began ...

Excerpts of emails to then President, Clive Cork, went as follows:

"In the past months it has become evident to me and others that the the time may have come to address changing the Clicktique rules. With more and more people using digital cameras and Adobe Photoshop, a whole new world of creative possibilities in photography has arrived, and, with it, the question of whether these photo illustrations should be judged alongside photos taken with film cameras and unaltered." Pat Triche, July 25, 2002

"Let's get serious about digital vs who knows what debate. Can anyone that believes that there should be a separation on digitally 'manipulated' images vs 'straight' images tell me the reason why? ... If someone with some training and equipment has the ability of doing something with relative ease as compared to those who don't know how to do it or don't care to do it makes it unfair to compete?  Chunin Martinez, May 19, 2003.

"Digital is here now and a reality now. Didn't retroactive living of the past doom the Daguerre Photographers? David Jenrette April 22, 2003

Digital won!!  And - Bob Holmes became known as "Digital Bob".     

Other snippets of news ...

Fred Kong won "Best of Show" - 2000

2003 - Pedro Lastra - became a Club Director and did a presentation on Photoshop Elements. 

The Speaker's Meeting - now Program Night - continued to feature renowned speakers such as Paulette Martin-photographer for Donald Trump, National recognized wildlife photographer Bill Silliker Jr, Rick Poley who took a 1 year long trip from Key West to Prudhoe Bay Alaska and Bill Maguire professor in the fine arts department at FIU, to name a few.

Bob Karafel took top honors in the Kendall Camera Club’s Annual Member’s Competition.

2005 - Under Digital Bob Holmes’ leadership, this year has been an unqualified success for the Kendall Camera Club. Meetings have been moved to the new and beautiful Evelyn Greer Park after the many years at Pitman Photo Supply.

Matting Workshop with Clive Cork: Clive's Matting Class
"The driveway was overflowing at the home of Clive & Marie Cork on both Saturday and Sunday, April 2 & 3, 2005 as Clive Cork presented a KCC Workshop to a full house on each of those days. As you may recall, Clive made a presentation on 'Introduction to Matting' at our Speaker Meeting in February, at which he demonstrated the art of Measuring three (3) times and Cutting the mat once. His Speaker Meeting Presentation was so well received that Clive volunteered to conduct two weekend Workshops at which the members would learn 'Hands On' and would make their own mats." by Bob Holmes


LorraineField Trip to Alligator Farm by Lorraine Thomas:  "WOW!!! What a photographic opportunity this was. I am still downloading photos as I write, 1,228 so far.... So much to photograph, so little time. This was one of those trips where you wished you could stay an extra day or two.




"It’s Back! Our Newsletter is again between us and more alive than ever. With a brand new outfit and content, modern look and better pictures. My idea as editor is to have a new born every single month'. German Murillo.   


Frank Cosio gave his daughter, Jackie Arias, a camera when she was 10. Years later, Frank surprised Jackie and grandson Alex, with Kendall Camera Club memberships. In 2007 Jackie surprised her dad by winning the "Photograher of the Year" and "Best Color Print of the Year" award with her photograph - " Restful Moment".  Frank's grandson, Alex, won Honorable Mention.

And so it goes ... from generation to generation ... Congratulations Jackie!  

Congratulations Kendall Camera Club - a job well done!!




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Kendall Camera Club Videos


We meet every 2nd and 4th Thursday at:

Evelyn Greer Park (Pinecrest) 
8200 SW 124th Street 
Pinecrest, FL 33157


