October Photo Challenge "FILL THE FRAME"

October Photo Challenge "FILL THE FRAME"

From October 11, 2018 7:00 pm until October 11, 2018 9:00 pm

At Evelyn Greer Park

Posted by Walter Rojter

Categories: Photo Challenge

Hits: 1829


This theme requires the photographer to frame the subject such that it becomes the most significant portion of the photograph. It requires getting closer to the subject through the use of a zoom lens or physically moving closer.


Online pre-registration is mandatory. You can pre-register days in advance, but the cutoff time to pre-register is no later than Midnight, Tuesday the 9th. Please note that this process is to submit your image information and to upload your file(s). You will still need to bring your printed photos by 7:00 PM to the meeting. No walk-in registration will be allowed

File upload FAQ:

Your image must be resized to 1000 pixels on the horizontal side (WIDTH)

This image must be renamed with the Title of The Entry.

Commas and other special characters are not allowed - Underlines and dashes are OK

Thank you for your collaboration.

You will receive an e-mail confirmation immediately after registering. 

The frame refers to the edges of your photograph or the edges of the viewfinder of your camera when you are shooting. The theme “to fill the frame” means to get in close, to make your subject a significant portion of the final photograph.

Some photographers tend to leave too much “stuff” around their subject. The viewer gets lost in the chaos and doesn’t know where to look. Less is often more.

Filling the frame encourages you, as a photographer, to really spend some time thinking about your subject and how best to feature that subject in your photograph. How can you bring out the details or the patterns or the most critical elements of your subject? How does the background add to or take away from the story that you are trying to tell?


  1. Frame your subject in such a way that it occupies a large amount of space in a photograph. Include more details by moving in closer.
  2. Creating a center of visual interest can be achieved easily just by your moving in closer. Use a zoom lens or move your feet! Even when you think you’ve gotten close enough, take a step further.
  3. While you are filling your frame, keep your aperture number low, that way the background will stay blurred and only your subject will be in focus.